"Qi" (or vitality) and "Blood" is always the essential in Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM). They are the fundamental elements that enable the organs and channels to perform their normal activities. However, the formation and metabolism of the qi and blood are directly influenced by the normal and healthy activities from the organs and meridian channels. In other words, qi and blood are interrelated with the condition of organs and meridian channels.
The TCM believes that female is made of blood. The skin will become soft, smooth and sheen if there is sufficient qi and blood in the body. Female in this condition is always energetic and youthful even without putting on any make-up. Therefore, it is always important to start from nourishing and regulating the inner condition in order to be prettier and healthier. Qi is the "fuel" that flows all over the body and boasts all activities while blood plays the nourishing role to the body. The TCM philosophy in qi and blood is: blood is the "mother" of qi while qi is the "master" of the blood. Qi will stimulate the production of blood and both complimenting each other as to maintain the health condition of a person.
Resulted from the fast, hectic and stressful life, many people tend to overlook their health condition, especially the female who is not only busy with career but also play an important role in taking care of the family. Long term fatigue and improper diet habits leave an impact on their health condition and eventually lead to sickness and weak constitution.
Due to the unique physical structure of female's body, almost every female will be facing intermittence problems in a period of nearly 40 years that start from the puberty till the climacteric period, such as irregular menstruation, insufficient menstruation blood, dizziness, vomiting, listless, etc. While for female in country with lower temperature or during winter time, this is added with coldness in hands and feet, pale, sore waist and aching back and unsteady sleep.
TCM believes that most of the health problems among the females are due to unsmooth circulation of blood and qi. Thus, to overcome these problems regulate the qi and blood is the solution.
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